
White - The Light Itself

White represents the full spectrum of consciousness, where all colours are contained. 
It represents simple purity as well as intensity. 

White - The Light Itself

White / Clear can signify suffering and the understanding of suffering. The light of that understanding of suffering is beautifully related to the enlightenment of the Buddha, after which he defined his experience of and understanding of suffering in four noble truths: 

    1. There is suffering. 
    2. There is a cause of suffering. 
    3. There is a way out of suffering. 
    4. There is a goal at the end of suffering. 

We suffer when get what we don’t want. 
We suffer when we want what we can not have. 
We suffer when we can not distinguish between these two. 

Vicky Wall, the founder and innovator of Aura-Soma, referred to white / clear as the ‘well of unshed tears’ which relates conceptually to the Buddha’s understanding of suffering, as if the colours of the rainbow have been washed out of our life.  Considering we are seven-tenths water, perhaps the 'well of unshed tears' refers to those emotional forms of suffering which we identify with. 

White / Clear can also relate to the transparency and consciousness. When we look at a mirror, transparency and reflectivity are paradoxically both part of our experience, with all colours passing through it. 

Being attracted to white / clear need not be a burden, but a way to healing. The light itself. Our Aura-Soma White Pomander is particularly beneficial for helping to clear, balance and protect oneself, and is useful for everyday application. To detoxify, restore and refresh when we find ourselves in a polluted environment, whether that be emotionally, mentally or physically. The energetic cleansing brought about when we apply white to our bodies can provide the possibility to bring in the light and sustain other energies that may be otherwise adversely affected by a contaminated environment.

How to Benefit from Colour

Aura-Soma engages us at our sense doors. Whilst it is intriguing to look at the colours and colour combinations to see which ones call to us, it is far more effective to actually use the various Equilibrium bottles, Pomanders. Quintessences, ArchAngeloi and Colour Essences. In doing so, experiencing the liquids and aromas can bring rapid personal growth, balance and support in our journey toward ourselves.